
Know the appropriate VC investors for your startup

We help founders to figure out which VCs are worth approaching.

Here is how:


Start a conversation

It takes just a few minutes to tell us a few details about you and your startup.



We build a targeted list of VCs

We analyze recent VC portfolio investments and identify VCs that are a good fit for your startup.


Approach the right VC firms

at the right time. Our deliverable is a targeted list of relevant VC partners + contact data.

What You Get

See the VC’s past deals

Find venture capital firms that invest in companies like yours.


Consider a fund's life cycle

Avoid funds that are at the end of their investment phase.


Contact data, no introductions

Our deliverable is a targeted list of active, relevant VCs + contact data.

Trusted by Founders like You

What Founders say?

“Polarnax made the process of building an investor list much easier. The time savings you get make this service a no-brainer.”

Einaras Gravrock
CEO & Founder CUJO

“I didn’t realize there was a startup in the business of matching me with venture capitalists tailored to my needs. You guys are definitely solving an issue most startups have.”

Brian Taylor
CEO & Founder Teamr


No up-front costs

There are no up-front costs and you do not pay any fee until you get results.



One-time fee

No follow-up costs

Pay when satisfied

If you are unsatisfied with our service for any reason, we don’t expect you to pay.


Any Questions?

Request your targeted VC list

Send your request and we’ll create a personalized list of VCs for you to approach. You do not pay until after you approve the final version.